USGBC Texas - Best Practices Champions Viewing Global Best Practices through Texas Leadership
July 23, 2020
Online meeting
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The driving goal of this Committee is to identify and then push through the barriers preventing us from consistently and equitably deploying proven sustainable best practices in all our buildings and communities.
This is not an easy undertaking. We face ingrained institutionalized behaviors, and massive inertia. Many of us have been trying for years to implement above-minimum-code betterments that improve lives. We have had limited results. We need different tactics.
To that end, I want to restate our path forward:
All of the above will continue to evolve as we move forward on our journey. I am privileged and excited to be traveling with each and every one of you. Together we can help those who are most in need of our assistance.
Thank you for committing to this shared vision.
David MacLean WELL AP, LEED AP, RESET AP, SASB FSA, BCxP Chair – USGBC Texas Best Practices Committee Founder / President McMac Cx David.MacLean@McMacCx.net713.857.6499
USGBC Texas Chapter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 1801 Royal Lane, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75229
Contact us at or at 214-571-9244