USGBC Texas Virtual Advocacy Day:
Resilient Texas & Climate Action
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
2:00-3:00 PM
Use the following link to join us:
Meeting ID: 738 185 2603
About This Event:
State Advocacy Day is USGBC Texas' biennial coordinated advocacy outreach to Texas state legislators and lawmakers. Our goal is to expand Texas Green Building Advocacy dialogue with legislators and with each other to gain momentum during this legislative session.
Related Bills:
This webinar presentation on resilience for Texas and municipal climate action planning will feature subject matter experts Gavin Dillingham from the Houston Advanced Research Center and Elyse Zavar from the University of North Texas.
About the Speakers

Dillingham is Director for Clean Energy Policy at HARC and Director of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Southcentral and Upper West Combined Heat and Power TAP. He joined the center in 2012 where he leads multi-stakeholder efforts focusing on policy and programs to improve the climate resilience of power infrastructure and built environment and to help usher in the energy transition via a variety of clean energy and energy efficiency initiatives.
Dillingham received a Bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and his PhD in Political Science from Rice University in 2008. He holds the Climate Change Professional certifications from the Association of Climate Change Officers and the Sustainability Associate from the Institute for Sustainable Professionals.
Zavar is an assistant professor in the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Science at the University of North Texas. Prior to joining the faculty at UNT, she was an assistant professor in the Department of the Environment, Geography & Marine Science at Southern Connecticut State University. An internship with a local government’s emergency management office sparked her career in hazard geography, which has also included work as a flood insurance map analyst.
Earning her Ph.D. from Texas State University’s Department of Geography, Zavar’s scholarship explores hazard mitigation and themes of land use/landscape change following disaster. Of particular interest are non-structural hazard mitigation projects, such as flood buyouts or property acquisition. Her research is published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals including Natural Hazards Review, Land Use Policy, Environmental Hazards, and Disaster Prevention and Management.
To get more information, contact: David Matiella,