GREEN BUILDINGS & MOBILITYWEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017 Houston Permitting Center 1002 Washington Avenue, Houston, TX 770026:00 PM - 8:00 PM View the Flyer
About this EventGetting to and from green buildings: People generally have to get themselves to and from buildings, green or otherwise. Most people are tired of traffic, and part of the population wants to bicycle, another part wants to take transit, and another part wants to share rides. What are the current best practices and what are people looking forward to? What is Mobility As A Service? What are we doing about reducing parking demand other than charging more for it?
Meet an architect who knows green buildings and the changing demand for parking garages, a district manager who deals with mobility issues on a daily basis, and a representative for our regional transit authority, who will share the current and emerging opportunities for moving around the area.
USGBC Texas Chapter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 1801 Royal Lane, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75229
Contact us at or at 214-571-9244